The lattice is complete

The lattice is complete

Oh my gosh… it’s like I worked day- and nightshifts the last couple of days. But all I wanted was to finish the lattice as …




Just a quick update. I’m making good progress. Managed to attach two more planes to the cube yesterday. If everything goes well the cube will …


Borg Cube Construction-Site

Borg Cube Construction-Site

Ok, yesterday I really thought “this is it” … “this will take forever” … “screw this!” Just think of it. You have only one template which …


Assembling the Lattice – Part 4

Assembling the Lattice – Part 4

Oh yeah, I’ve reached the final construction phase of the lattice. After this step the cube will be technically fininished and working. Every additional work …


Preparing the Baseplate

Preparing the Baseplate

Hello everyone. I have to apologize, that I haven’t been able to update my blog for quite some time now. Some private matters got in …


Assembling the lattice – Part 3

Assembling the lattice – Part 3

With having finished converting the rows to planes I could start creating interconnections between the free pins of the LEDs. To do this, I used …


Assembling the lattice – Part 2

Assembling the lattice – Part 2

sixty-two … sixty-three … sixty-four! Ah, finally I have finished soldering the rows. With all the rows finished I can start building the planes now. …


Assembling the lattice – Part 1

Assembling the lattice – Part 1

Have you ever bent the pins of RGB LEDs before? With 3 pins to be bent on each of the 520 LEDs it really calls …


A new eightCubed is born

A new eightCubed is born

So this is it. I finally decided to build my very own eightCubed 8×8×8 LED cube. It has been designed and developed by Ted Markson …